I've missed a submission deadline, which considering that I hadn't actually finished the piece wasn't quite as bad as it could have been. It is bad, but not quite as bad as having the work done and dusted and then just not getting the deed done in a collapse of admin.
Now I wonder if I shall ever find the motivation to finish that piece at all.
'Hey!' On the bright side, 'I haven't written a blog for a while.' I've been busy doing whatever it was . . . and this 'Hey! I haven't written a blog for a while,' is how I start all blog posts in behind-the-eyeballs draft form.
Come to think about it, I start most things by thinking, Hey! I haven't written in a while, or made any prints, or . . . and there's always a reason why I haven't. I've been busy doing something else or chasing after somebody or running away from the idea, which brings me back to here . . . there was a point beyond the above opening that I've forgotten now. There was to be sequencing, development, a position and point, proposition or contention . . . but it has eluded me.
And on the subject of balls : -
Now I wonder if I shall ever find the motivation to finish that piece at all.
'Hey!' On the bright side, 'I haven't written a blog for a while.' I've been busy doing whatever it was . . . and this 'Hey! I haven't written a blog for a while,' is how I start all blog posts in behind-the-eyeballs draft form.
Come to think about it, I start most things by thinking, Hey! I haven't written in a while, or made any prints, or . . . and there's always a reason why I haven't. I've been busy doing something else or chasing after somebody or running away from the idea, which brings me back to here . . . there was a point beyond the above opening that I've forgotten now. There was to be sequencing, development, a position and point, proposition or contention . . . but it has eluded me.
And on the subject of balls : -

Sometimes, we're on a roll.
Sometimes I catch a pretty woman looking at me for once, when almost invariably it's the other way around. Mind you, she's probably thinking, 'OMG, that (me) should be put down out of kindness,' but I'm on a roll or was until the missed deadline deed. How I resent 'deadlines' that escape, and how unkindly sounds the word.
A 2000 word short story for a 2000 word short story competition, and I missed the so-and-so. How did that happen? Have story, know the date, drafted not honed - too long, but there-ish and drift drift drift along, and too late. Not that I may have got it in, nor was there any prize money at stake, and no doubt there will be another short story competition.
Truth be told, I'm more consumed by getting work ready for the London Group.
I had better check that bossy looking .pdf lurking ominously on my desktop to make sure I haven't missed that as well.
The London Group
Open Exhibition 2009
Open Exhibition 2009
No, it's okay. I've got time to miss it still.
Can't be bothered with 'short story' anymore. It was titled Two-thousand-and-when, so probably no loss.
You sound even less organised than me! But I'm sure that can't be possible.